Urbanization in India: An Analysis

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The 2018 Revision of World Urbanization Prospects, released by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, projects India’s urban population to rise to 52.8% in 2050.

Major Highlights of the Report:

Fast Facts: Urbanization Scenario in India

According to Census 2011,

  1. Total Urban Population: 377 million
  2. Level of Urbanization/ Percentage of Urban Population: 31.1%
  3. Rate of growth of urban population: 2.76% per annum during 2001-2011.
  4. Most Urbanized state: Goa (62%), Mizoram, Tamil Nadu. Delhi (97.5%) most urbanized among the UTs
  5. Least Urbanized state: Himachal Pradesh (10%) followed by Bihar, Assam and Odhisa
  6. Number of urban agglomerations/towns: 5161

Nature of urbanization in India:

  1. Substantial increase in urban population due to rural-to-urban migration.
  2. Distorted urbanization: – Urbanisation has been directed towards large cities; there has been an increasing concentration of population in million plus cities.

3. Wide variation in levels of urbanization across Indian states-

4. Hidden Urbanization:

Issues and Challenges:

  1. Urban poverty:
  1. High urban unemployment
  2. Growth of slums:
  1. Inappropriate planning has led to high costs of housing and office space
  2. Critical infrastructure shortages and major service deficiencies: erratic power and water supply, poor solid waste management system, poor sewerage system
  3. Inadequate transport systems: Poor investment in transport sector has led to unsustainable levels of private vehicle use
  4. Deteriorating environment: Example: According to the recently released data by World Health Organization, 14 Indian states are among Top 20 worldwide with worst air quality profiles
  5. Poor urban governance

Did you know?

Urban governance:

Why is urban governance poor in India?

  1. Lack of financial and administrative autonomy
  2. Lack of funds
  3. Lack of accountability and transparency
  4. Lack of coordination between different agencies (such as water, transport)
  5. Lack of consistent urban development policy, improper urban planning and poor implementation of projects

Way Forward:

  1. Create employment in rural areas: Diversification of rural agrarian economy to reduce distressed migration. In this case, the MGNREGA has played a vital role in reducing rural-urban migration
  2. Development of infrastructural facilities in rural areas: Focus on PURA (Provision of Urban Amenities in Rural Area), Shyama Prasad Mookherji RURBAN Mission
  3. Modern framework for spatial planning of cities and standardized designs for public utilities
  4. Inclusive urbanization: There should be focus on the needs of the urban poor and other vulnerable groups for housing, education, health care, decent work and a safe environment.
  5. Environmentally Sustainable urbanization: Successful management of urban growth, integration of green spaces, wetlands, proper waste management
  6. Proper transport planning; Investment in public transport sector
  7. Ensuring better infrastructural facilities- water, sewage power
  8. Proper implementation of major urban government policies like AMRUT, JNNURM, Housing for All by 2022, Smarts City Mission, National Urban Livelihood Mission
  9. Ensuring Good urban Governance by: