Finding Your Property Information Online

These instructions will help you locate your property information on our real property data system. You can search the online database by either the address, street name, account identifier or map reference. You can not search by owner's name, town, neighborhood, subdivision or zip code.

Go to our Real Property Data Search at​​
Select the appropriate county from the drop down menu.

Searching by address

  1. Do not use street directions (e.g. "North", "Southeast", "West", etc.) or any abbreviations of street directions.
  2. Do not use street name suffixes (e.g. "Avenue", "Street", "Way", etc.) or any abbreviations of street name suffixes.
  3. To perform a specific search on a street name, enter the complete name. For example, a search on "Preston", would only return records that had "Preston" as the name. If you do not find the right property, perform a general search by truncating the street name followed by an asterisk(*). This will return street names that match the truncated search. For example, a search on "301 Pr*" would return 301 Preston Street, 301 President Street, 301 Pratt Street, etc.
  4. If you are still not finding the property, try leaving off the street number. While this may result in several matches, it will give you an idea of whether or not you have the street name correct. Also, the official street number assigned to the property by the local government may not be the same as the number the owner uses.

Using your assessment notice to search by account number

Your property account identification number is located above your name and address on your assessment notice. Look for the information in the following format:

ACCT# 01 02 123456
4 40500 0391 302000 C
ANYTOWNIN, MD 21200-0000

In the example above, the property account indentification number (ACCT #) consists of the county code 01, the assessment district 02 and account number 123456. The county code identifies the jurisdiction in which the property resides.

County Codes

Allegany - 01 Charles - 09 Prince George's - 17
Anne Arundel - 02 Dorchester -10 Queen Anne's - 18
Baltimore City - 03 Frederick - 11 St. Mary's - 19
Baltimore County - 04 Garrett - 12 Somerset - 20
Calvert - 05 Harford - 13 Talbot - 21
Caroline - 06 Howard - 14 Washington - 22
Carroll - 07​ Kent - 15 Wicomico - 23
Cecil - 08 Montgomery - 16 Worcester - 24

Note: If your county code is 02 (Anne Arundel County) or 03 (Baltimore City) your account number structure is different. See the instructions below for Anne Arundel County and Baltimore City.

Select the county in which the property is located by matching the county code to the respective name from the above County Codes table. The county name can also be identified by looking at SDAT's return address on the assessment notice. The return address will be the SDAT office for the county in which the property is located, for example, property located in Garrett County will have the following return address:

State of Maryland
Department of Assessments and Taxation
PO BOX 388
OAKLAND, MD 21550-0388

Anne Arundel County:
Following the ACCT# 02 are the two digit assessment district, the three digit subdivision code and the 8 digit account number. You will need the district, subdivision, and account numbers to search for your property

Example: ACCT# 02 01 333 44444444
County Code: 02 District Code: 01 Subdivision Number: 333 Account Number: 44444444

Baltimore City:
Following the ACCT# 03, are the two digit Ward, the two digit Section, the Block (which consists of four digits and in some cases followed by a letter), and the Lot (which consists of three digits and in some cases followed by a letter). Each of these indentifiers are separated with a space. You will need Ward, Section, Block and Lot to search your property.

Example: ACCT# 03 01 24 1111A 222B
County Code: 03 Ward: 01 Section:24 Block: 1111A Lot: 222B

If the information regarding your property is incorrect, or you have questions about your assessment contact the appropriate local Assessment office. A list of offices and contact information is available on the Maryland Assessment Offices page.