The Appeals and State Hearings Section is responsible for reviewing the appropriateness of Los Angeles County’s Department of Public Social Services’ action/inaction taken or not taken on an applicant or customer’s case involving CalWORKs, CalFresh, Medi-Cal, IHSS, CAPI, and GR Interim Assistance. If the County did not follow the required procedures, ASH resolves the issue with the customer without the need for a State hearing. If the County acted properly, ASH presents the County’s position to an Administrative Law Judge at the State hearing.
ASH MissionTo carry out the federal and State mandates, guaranteeing applicants and recipients of public assistance the right to a fair and unbiased hearing.
You have the right to file a request for a State hearing if your benefits have been denied, terminated or reduced unfairly. A request for a State hearing must be filed within 90 days after the date of the action or inaction. If the County fails to send you a notice of action, the 90-day time does not run out and a State hearing can be requested at any time.